Signal over Noise
Smort was created to let people easily annotate, share and save articles.
A lot of what we read online is cruft.
Smort runs a full fledged markdown editor that helps you cut through the noise.
Frequently asked questions
Is Smort free?
Yes, Smort is free to use!
What's your roadmap?
Apart from our
upcoming features,
we have lots of ideas!
Please join our
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to be updated.
What kinds of articles are supported?
Smort can parse most articles but currently does not show interactive elements and embedded videos.
If an article does not render correctly, please
What's the story behind the name?
Smort was inspired by the memes
Our story
When I was a graduate student at the Language Technologies Institute at Carnegie Mellon, I found it hard to collaborate on articles and research papers and share my annotations. Existing tools like Mendeley were clunky and not easy to use. I wanted to make it easier to read arXiv papers and reduce the friction associated with sharing and annotation.
So I decided to build Smort to solve this problem I faced!